Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dorrie's Picks, 4/8/09
Obama's continuing jihad to advance the interests of Islam takes a flying leap and joins in welcoming the malevolent forces of the OIC to the White House.

Since taking office Obama has focused on three things: the transformation of our capitalistic economy to a form of socialist statist fascism, the abdication of American sovereignty to a trans-nationalism (one world-er), and the advancement of the worldwide domination of Islam, [which is] the ultimate goal of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

There is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact. The global jihad is conspiracy fact. And the OIC is behind it.
Textbook Lies About Islam
Why, at a time of war, are students at top U.S. military schools denied an objective treatment of Islam’s war doctrines? A report by the American Textbook Council sheds light by showing how these academic failures have much deeper roots.

After reviewing a number of popular textbooks used by American junior and senior high schools, the report found that, due to political correctness and/or fear of Muslim activists, “key subjects like jihad, Islamic law, [and] the status of women are whitewashed.”

Regarding the strikes of 9/11, one textbook never mentions Islamic ideologies, referring to the 19 al-Qaeda hijackers as “teams of terrorists” — this despite the fact that al-Qaeda has repeatedly articulated its hostile worldview through an Islamist paradigm, with a stress on hating “infidels” and waging holy war (see The Al Qaeda Reader).

Whoa, you just gotta read all of this.
3rd Circuit Rejects Muslim Cop's Bid to Wear Religious Scarf
A Muslim woman who works as a Philadelphia police officer has lost her court battle to wear a religious head scarf on the job now that the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that forcing the department to accommodate her would compromise the city's interest in maintaining "religious neutrality" in its police force.

In Webb v. City of Philadelphia, a unanimous three-judge panel upheld a lower court's decision that said the police department's blanket policy forbidding officers from wearing any religious garb did not violate plaintiff Kimberlie Webb's religious-freedom rights.

Writing for the court, Chief U.S. Circuit Judge Anthony J. Scirica said he agreed with the city's argument that, without strict enforcement of its dress code, "the essential values of impartiality, religious neutrality, uniformity, and the subordination of personal preference would be severely damaged to the detriment of the proper functioning of the police department."

YAY! And, actually, if you know what’s going on in Philly, it’s a really big surprise.
US School District Pays to Settle Muslim Suit
A Muslim girl who said her complaints of bullying and death threats went unheeded by administrators at her Reno-area high school will receive $350,000 in a settlement with the Washoe County School District that was announced Wednesday.

Jana Elhifny, an American-Egyptian who openly displayed her Islamic faith and wore a religious headscarf, dropped out of North Valleys High School in 2004. In a federal civil rights lawsuit, she said she was too frightened to attend school and that teachers and administrators did not take steps to stop the harassment.

In a related settlement also announced Wednesday, Stephanie Hart, a non-Muslim who said she was ostracized and forced to leave school when she befriended Elhifny, will receive $50,000. The district also agreed to provide services for her to achieve a General Equivalency Diploma.

No yay! on this one. Litigation jihad is winning.
Ruling Overturned in Muslim Divorce Case
Declaring "I divorce thee" three times is not a legal way to end a marriage in Michigan.

Pinjari, now in New Jersey, was granted a divorce certificate in India after announcing he was "severing all connections of husband and wife with her forever and for good." He declared three times, "I divorce thee Saida Tarikonda."

Saida Tarikonda was deprived of her rights because she wasn't in India in April 2008 when her husband traveled there to declare what's known as the "triple talaq," the court said.

"To accord comity to a system that denies equal protection would ignore the rights of citizens and persons under the protection of Michigan's laws," the court said.

This actually happened in Michigan. American law upheld in Michigan! Will wonders never cease?
Dutch Leaders Visit Dearborn to Learn Pointers on Tolerance
Dutch officials came to Dearborn today to discern why Muslims are more accepted in the United States than in The Netherlands.

"I really believe that Muslim Americans are at the front of the civil rights movement in America," Begg said. "We thank our African-American and Jewish brothers and sisters for going before us."

Ai-yi-yi! There’s sooooo much wrong with that statement! And my admiration for Michigan died a quick death.

1 comment:

Hall Monitor said...

The Muslim story made ! Check it out for all the crazy headlines from our schools.