Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dorrie's Picks, 3/24/09

Obama Criticizes Some Guantanamo Release Decisions
President Barack Obama says the U.S. hasn't done a good job sorting out who should be released from the Guantanamo Bay detention center.

Say what? Isn’t HE “the U.S.” he’s complaining about? It was his dumb idea, right?

Muslim Woman Critical of Gilbert Police Treatment
. . . the Muslim woman and former schoolteacher believes her religion gained her the unwanted attention of Gilbert police, who arrested her for DUI when she failed a field sobriety test.

. . . awaiting the outcome of the investigation is the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR-AZ. Executive Director Ahmed Daniels said the group is monitoring the internal investigation. [They can do that? CAIR gets to sit at the AZ police elbow and “monitor”?] "Our primary goal is to make sure the civil rights of the Islamic community are adhered to," Daniels said. [The whole community? Were they all high on drugs?]

"We want to see where the police department is taking it," he said. "What concerns me is Lisa's case may be the tip of the proverbial iceberg.” [That she’s inadvertently shining a light on a whole mess of Muslim drug users? What else could he be concerned about? Surely he’s not concerned with anti-Muslim sentiment; it hasn’t happened anywhere else in the USA; why should it be going on in AZ?]

How does CAIR get involved in these things so fast? Do you ever wonder that?

Hamas Sees New language in Obama Talks on ME
Palestinian organization Hamas leader, Khalid Mishal lauding US president Barack Obama said that he has talked on the Middle East issue in new language.

Kahlid Mishal in an interview to an Italian newspaper said that President Obama was talking in new language for the region. He said that it was a test for all that this language should herald any real change in the US and European policy.

He said that the issue of official contact with Hamas was a matter for a while, as the big powers need us for the resolution of Arab-Israel conflict. He said that their importance hinged on popular support, who cast vote for them and would do so in future also.

Translated: “We’re in, boys!”

Uni[versity] Rejects Demand for Muslims' Prayer Room
"AUSTRALIAN universities are responsible for providing quality education, not consecrated religious spaces," according to a university involved in a bitter dispute over Muslim prayer rooms.

Go, Maddy! Seems the Brits' Aussie cousins have a clearer picture of Muslim motivation in these cases; would that our elected officials were as astute.

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